Suggestions and Offers Dialogue ~ Independence Day

Louis      : Hi Lily! Did something happen?
Lily        : Huft, I just don’t know what to do about independence day event. Do you have any ideas?
Louis      :  I think we could make competitions, such as decorate classroom competition and story telling contest.
Lily         : Hmm.. That’s a good idea. I’ll make a schedule for the event.
Louis      :  Okayy and should announce it to all classes first. Do you want me to announce it?
Lily        : Yes, if you don’t mind.
Louis      : Of course, it such a pleasure to help you.
Lily         : Thank you so much. By the way Louis, I dont know what is better between Rengasdengklok event or Bandung Sea of Fire event for theme of story telling contest. What shall i choose?
Louis     : I think Rengasdengklok event is better because if Rengasdengklok event didn’t happen Indonesia won’t proclaims the independence on 17 August, 1945.
Lily           : Yeah that’s right. Once again, thank you so much Louis!!


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